Our Indian agent clients will use our products to participate in the local electronics exhibition in India in August 2024. Increased the visibility of ZOYI products in India, enabling win-win cooperation. The exhibition has come to a successful conclusion

We are in Germany for the Hannover MESSE.
The exhibition ended successfully

2023 New Product
Experience the ultimate in handheld measurement with our cutting-edge oscilloscope! Boasting a sleek design through a dual injection molding process, this device combines beauty with functionality. Its compact size and convenient portability make it your go-to tool for on-the-go measurements.
Navigate effortlessly through its feature-rich interface using intuitive functional buttons. The 3.5-inch IPS full-view color display delivers crystal-clear visuals, complemented by a multimeter display of up to 25,000 counts.
More than just an oscilloscope, this versatile device integrates a signal generator and multimeter, offering a seamless three-in-one solution. Unleash its superior performance and powerful functionality in diverse measurement scenarios, catering to a wide range of user needs. Elevate your measurement experience with this all-in-one powerhouse!
2023 fall Canton Fair
From October 15th to 19th, 2023, we participated in the 134th Canton Fair, where we connected with numerous global buyers and friends. It was a privilege to be interviewed by Guizhou Daily, further elevating ZOYI’s growing global prominence.

ZOYI in the China International Hardware Exhibition
On September 19th, the China International Hardware Exhibition opened with grandeur at the Shanghai New International Expo Center.ZOYI ZOTEK Instruments company cordially invites you to visit us at booth N2A46! We have unveiled a wide array of new products and look forward to your appreciation of our fresh designs and innovative concepts.

Electronics on their partnership and participation in electronica India 2023!
Congratulations to our new partner Rajshree Electronics on their partnership and participation in electronica India 2023! It’s a significant opportunity to showcase ZOYI multimeters and other products. I hope they have a successful and productive exhibition at Hall no. 5, Booth no. EB57 at the Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) in Bengaluru from September 13th to 15th, 2023. This trade fair is an excellent platform to connect with industry professionals, explore innovations, and expand their business. Wishing them the best of luck!
祝贺我们的新合作伙伴Rajshree Electronica参加2023年印度电子展!这是一个展示ZOYI万用表和其他产品的重要机会。我希望他们将于2023年9月13日至15日在班加罗尔国际展览中心(BIEC)的5号展厅和EB57展厅举行一次成功而富有成效的展览。这个贸易展览会是一个很好的平台,与行业专业人士联系,探索创新,扩大他们的业务。祝他们好运!
Sep 12 2023
China-ASEAN (Thailand) Commodity Fair 2023
13 Sep- 15 Sep
We are thrilled to announce our participation in the 10th China-ASEAN (Thailand) Commodity Fair 2023, which will take place from September 13th to September 15th, 2023. You can find us at Booth EH102 C23 located at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC), 88 Bangna-Trad Road (Km.1), Bangna, Bangkok 10260, Thailand. We extend a warm welcome to our friends and buyers from Thailand, inviting you to explore and discover our brand and products. 29 Aug 2023

The 7th mega edition – HIMTEX, 2023 (Hyderabad International Machine Tool & Engineering Expo)
Hyderabad, India Rajshree Electrionics & ZOYI The 7th mega edition – HIMTEX, 2023 (Hyderabad International Machine Tool & Engineering Expo) Witness an Exclusive Showcase of ZOYI multimeters and professional instruments. Congratulations to our new partner Rajshree Electrionics on achieving great success at the exhibition. 18-21 Aug 2023

ZOYI&ZOTEK、中国測定展示会、ブース C121、ホール 11
ZOYI&ZOTEKは、6月27日から29日まで深セン国際会議展示センターで開催される中国測定展示会に参加することを発表できることを嬉しく思います。ホール 11 のブース C121 にお越しいただき、当社の最新の測定機器、ソリューション、革新的な進歩をご覧ください。展示会でお会いできるのを楽しみにしています!

2023 新製品: ポータブル オシロスコープ マルチメータ

インダクタは幅広い回路で重要な役割を果たし、フィルタリング、磁界の生成、発振の可能化、遅延の導入、電流バランスの維持などのさまざまなアプリケーションに役立ちます。これらのアプリケーションでは、インダクタのインダクタンス パラメータを決定することが必要になることがよくあります。
ZT980L インダクタンス メーターは最近、インダクタンス範囲の自動認識システムを導入しました。この機能強化により、測定可能なインダクタンス範囲が 6 ミリヘンリー (mH) から 60 ヘンリー (H) に拡張されました。

当社は現在、第 133 回広州交易会の参加者として、B ゾーンの電子電気展示ホールのブース番号 13.2M29 に Zoyi を代表して出展していることをお知らせできることを嬉しく思います。当社は、マルチメーター、クランプメーター、オシロスコープ、工業用赤外線温度計、環境試験機器などの高品質電子測定機器の製造を専門としています。信頼性が高く正確な測定ツールをお求めの場合は、当社のブースにお立ち寄りいただき、当社の製品について詳しく学び、当社のチームにお会いください。皆様にお会いできるのを楽しみにしています!
2023-04-15 ~ 2023-04-192023 春の広州交易会